6-40-2-1F Honmachi,Shibuya-ku,Tokyo 151-0071

Phone:03-3475-0640 (Japanese & English)

E-mail :text@tokyonoticeboard.co.jp

How To Get TNB?

Send us a stamped (140yen), self-addressed envelope one for each future issue you would like sent to your home.

Address : Tokyo Notice Board Inc. 6-40-2 1F Honmachi, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo 151-0071

How To Submit An Article?

Every week we publish an article sent to us by a reader of TNB.
Why don't you write one for us? Approximately 300 words (max. 500words).
Tell us what you think of Tokyo, what you enjoy doing, funny experience or observations.
We'll pay you 3,000yen for every article printed.

Send your article to TNB office by email edit@tokyonoticeboard.co.jp or fax 03-3475-0641.
Hand written is OK.

How To Submit A Photo?

Want to share your images of Tokyo with us?

Send your photos to TNB office by email text@tokyonoticeboard.co.jp together with your full name and location where the photo was taken.